Improve body Tui Na Massage treatment. Since 2006
Thank you for visiting this website. I would like briefly explain this site.
The technique I use is based on medicine, which was built in 3,000 years in China.
It's completely different from relaxation.
If you really want to improve your physical pain, or if you are thinking about aintaining your health, let me support you.

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Even you are not good at Japanese, you may have stiff shoulders, lower back pain, or physical problems. Massage salon can be found everywhere in Tokyo, but Most shops don't have an English-speaking masseuse. Don't worry, I can speak English. also if you live in Tokyo, we can visit your house and massage. don't hesitate to contact , Chinese traditional medicine, Tuina will improve your mind and body. you can feel free to leave it to us, Let me support you so that you can live comfy.

Introducing Tiu na Massage with video